CRF flowchart

CRF Flowchart

will shown flowchart is CRF split by 3 part:
get training data part,
get feature part,
optimize part
some optimze and specific mathmatical part was omitted


following part is FlowChart

  • CRF outline

    CRF outline
    this flowchart shows splitted part

  • CRF read corpus

    CRF get training data part
    this flowchart shows training data way

  • CRF feature scan

    CRF get feature part
    this flowchart shows how to make feature

  • CRF optimize

    CRF optimize
    this flowchart shows optimize methods very simplely
    following:more specific but also there is no mathmatical explaination
    CRF optimize2


continuing to study more specific parts…

CRF checklist

210106 reserch object

  • CRF that can train and inference with kor
    • it can completed by adding word, emjeol tokenizer
    • it have specific needed input data set
    • english, numbers are regarded as one representation character
  • CRF that added mini batch batch so it can train with large data set
    • it has to be with lots of modify CRF code
    • it contains that each mini batch has its features that used by each mini batch
  • ok with git
    • especially branch, merge, requests etc
  • code with TDD method
    • it is good for make simple and looking good code and program structure
  • always like i thought, coding with object-oriented way
    • especially code is should have unit that made by methods

CRF analysis

Current Goal

for adding or modify CRF like adding korean tokinizer.
and ultimately for combine lab individual lib
firstable need to analysis CRF at perspective of method
i need to understand at code level but,
in presentation, i should explain at input output level at each methods

anyway, first goal is analysis CRF at input output level of methods.